LAA Courses 2025

Jabiru Engine Course
This course aims to give pilots sufficient knowledge to be confident that their engines are serviceable, inc. detailing common weaknesses & the important Jabiru modifications, primarily focusing on the 4 & 6 cylinder generation 1-3 engines.

An Introduction to Permit Aircraft Avionics
The course starts with explaining the LAA rules and guidance regarding avionics fit, discusses how to plan and install your avionics (inc. panel design) and explains how modern avionics connect with each other.

Working with Composites - Basic Course
This course involves plenty of hands-on practice as you learn the skills of working with epoxy resin and the correct use of a variety of woven cloths and mats. Also covered is the selection of materials.

Aircraft Fabric Covering Course
This is a hands-on course, not a lecture, so you will be working with the tools and materials, learning the required skills and you will undoubtedly surprise yourself by how quickly you begin to pick things up!

Caring for your Gipsy Major - Basic Course
The course will explain the ins and outs of these deHavilland vintage aircraft engines and how to solve those starting difficulties, with comprehensive course notes to take away.

Permit Aircraft Electrics - Advanced Course
The premise of this course is that it will help the owner/builder create the system design and circuit diagram, including covering electrical theory, failure modes, reliability issues and planning an installation.

Permit Aircraft Electrics - Basic Course
An introductory course on electrical wiring, featuring minimal electrical theory, instead concentrating on the installation practices with practical wiring experience and fault finding.

Aircraft Carpentry Workshop - Basic Course
A perfect course for the would-be aircraft builder, who may be nervous about cutting the first piece of spruce, or anyone contemplating repairing a classic wooden aircraft.

Air to Ground Radio Operator's Course
A course to achieve your Radio Operator's Certificate of Competence (ROCC) in order to operate a Ground Radio Station running AGCS (Air-Ground-Communication-Service). This is not to be confused with a FRTOL.

Working with Aluminium - Basic Course
This course involves building a Van’s toolbox. The build process is specifically designed to teach you drilling, de-burring, dimpling and riveting by various methods. Also, you get to take your toolbox home with you!

Rotax Fuel Injected 912 iS / 915 iS Installation & Operation
A course providing information and advice on installation and operational procedures for Rotax Fuel Injected 912iS/915iS aero engines. This course is run by a Rotax iRMT certified engineer.

Rotax Carburetted 912/914 Installation & Operation
The course covers everything those who own/operate a carburetted Rotax 912 (UL, ULS and 914 turbocharged) engine need to know about getting the best out of these very popular engines!