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  • What does the PCS offer? | Light Aircraft Assoc

    What does the Pilot Coaching Scheme offer? Licence Revalidation & Renewals LAA Coaches can provide the “one hour with an Instructor ” flight at any time in the second year of your licence revalidation period, and then sign the revalidation if you have already flown the required hours. They all hold UK 'R' examiner privileges, so can also revalidate ratings on UK PPLs and NPPLs once all the requirements have been completed, even if they have not flown with you. All Coaches are allowed to do Renewal Training under the LAA DTO to assist pilots to prepare for their General Skills Test to get their lapsed licence back. Differences Training "Differences Training" requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on any appropriate device, or on an aircraft. It requires both ground and flight training and must be endorsed as having been completed by a suitably qualified Flight Instructor or Class Rating Instructor. Features which, when first experienced, require differences training are: Turbo-charged or Super-charged engines Variable pitch and constant speed propellers Tail wheel undercarriage Retractable undercarriage Cabin Pressurisation EFIS Single power lever control (SPLC) Microlights Additionally, for the UK National Private Pilot's Licence (NPPL) SSEA class rating, differences training is required for aircraft with a cruise speed in excess of 140 knots indicated airspeed. Familiarisation Training Before flying any type or variant of aircraft which you’ve not flown before, within the Single-Engine Piston (SEP) class, you must complete "Familiarisation Training". This is the correct modern terminology for what would previously be described as being "Checked Out" on a new type. "Familiarisation Training" requires the acquisition of additional knowledge by one of the following means: ​ Self-study of appropriate material about the aircraft such as the Pilot Operating Handbook, Pilot’s notes, etc Training with a suitably qualified instructor A verbal brief from a pilot already familiar with the type , particularly in the case of a single seat aircraft, With multi seat aircraft, while it may be helpful to fly with another pilot already familiar with the type, pilots should note that only qualified instructors are authorised to provide training, including familiarisation training and this could lead to difficulties if an accident were to occur that was supervised by any pilot other than a qualified instructor. In addition, when first transitioning to flying types or variants of aircraft which include various specific more demanding or unusual features, that he or she has not previously experienced as pilot in command, a pilot must also have differences training with a qualified instructor to teach them to safely deal with the feature or features concerned. Whilst differences training with an instructor is mandatory, we also recommend you include ground and flight training with an instructor as part of your familiarisation training. Type Conversion If you're thinking of buying an aircraft, where do you go for a type conversion? The PCS has coaches who are experienced on a variety of modern and vintage types. Your coach will take you through your conversion until you are competent on type. Licence Migration The PCS can assist you to upgrade your licence to a different type and also add additional ratings e.g. NPPL(M) to NPPL(SSEA) etc. Miscellaneous Although we do offer specific courses, our coaches are available to fly with you for any flying training you may need in your aircraft. This can include revision of, for example: Practice Forced Landings; Circuits; Stalling; Navigation; R/T and more. Whilst we do not, at present, offer ab initio training, a number of our coaches are also fully qualified Flying Instructors and so may be able to assist with any training issues you may have.

  • Copy of Light Aviation Magazine 2018 | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Popular Flying Magazine 1957 Click on the links below to open each issue of Light Aviation Magazine from 1957 Jan 1955 PFA Bulletin March 1957 May/June 1957 July/August 1957 October/November 1957 December 1957 April 1957 September 1957

  • Flight Radio Telephony Operator Licence Preparation | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Flight Radio Telephony Operator Licence Preparation Price Member - £200; Non-Member £250 Duration Arrival 9.00 am . Finish 17.00 < Back About the Course AeroAdvance, in association with the LAA, is delivering a 1-day course with both presentations & interactive exercises to offer attendees the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge & understanding of radiotelephony procedures to ensure both confidence when using the radio as a PPL Pilot and support meeting requirements of the SRG1171. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FRTOL EXAM. A brief will be issued to all attendees with recommended preparation and supporting links to reading materials ahead of the day. A de-brief will be provided including a summary of the content covered including hints and tips to ensure attendees are exam ready, recommended reading to support exam preparation and exam hints and tips Your Instructor Anthony Hatch CPL Holder, current Air Traffic Controller, PPL Instructor and Senior FRTOL Examiner Dates Saturday 3rd August or Sunday 29th September Times Arrival 9.00 am . Finish 17.00 Duration One day course Venue LAA HQ, Turweston Airfield Price Member - £200; Non-Member £250 Booking Call Cheryl on 01280 846 786

  • New LAA Inspectors | Light Aircraft Assoc

    < Back New LAA Inspectors 26 Jan 2024 It is time to introduce you to two more new LAA Inspectors - Umberto Izzo and Simon Boynett, who both attended an LAA Inspector Assessment Day in December, with our Chief Inspector, Lucy. Umberto's experience is mainly in general aviation and microlight aircraft (metal, fabric and composites), either Lycoming, Continental or Rotax-powered. He is also IRMT-approved. He owns a share in Jodel 1050. Simon is a retired Licensed Aircraft Engineer with 44 years of experience working on Commercial Passenger and Cargo aircraft. He has a B1 and B2 CAA licence (Airframes, Engines and Electrical generation systems) B2 (Avionics, Auto flight, Auto land systems, Radio and Radar). In addition to this, he has an FAA issued A & P licence. He put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into building his own Vans RV 7, that he still loves to fly today as often as he can. Although retired, he still has aeroplanes and safety in his blood and looks forward to helping others to keep the high standards the LAA require, and to advise and certify Maintenance and Permit to Fly revalidation inspections. Next Previous

  • Feedback | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Feedback We would love to hear from you about your experience with the LAA, issues you would like to raise or comments for our staff. Please click the button below to fill in our feedback form or scan the QR code on your phone. Click here...

  • Modifying & Repairing Aircraft | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Modifying & Repairing Aircraft One of the main features of the LAA system is that modifications and repairs can be approved with significantly reduced costs compared with aircraft on Certificates of Airworthiness, where applicants would need to deal with the CAA or EASA. Since the engineering team are all ‘little aircraft’ experts, it is usually a straight-forward job to approve many types of change. Of course, with many of our members being so creative, sometimes the job takes a little more time and thought to approve! View current mod/repair application queue Modifcation Type Description Further Details Application Form Application Fee Category Changes Applications to change an aircraft’s category from a microlight to a ‘Group A’ aircraft (and vice versa) are allocated a modification number to record the change. If an engine or propeller change is required at the same time, then an application must be made as noted above. N/A LAA/ MOD 10 £200 Engine & Propeller Changes These are treated as Prototype or Repeat modifications, unless they appear on the PTL list for the type. Technical Leaflet TL 3.02 LAA/MOD 4 and LAA/MOD 5 * See below Avionics Installations These are not considered modifications, but in order to fulfil their legal obligations, owners are required to keep LAA up-to-date should radio details alter. A special system exists for the approval of radio changes that is separate from other modifications. Technical Leaflet TL 3.03 LAA/MOD 7 No charge for radio/transponder installations, but a £30 fee is chargeable for certified ADS-B Out applications STCs Where a change has previously been approved by means of a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), LAA Engineering then only needs to investigate any installation/compatibility issues rather than the change itself. N/A LAA/MOD 13 £50 The Trivial Change Sometimes a change is so trivial that no application is required and there is no need to inform the Engineering department. Technical Leaflet TL 3.10 N/A N/A Manufacturers' Modifications Kit manufacturers and plans suppliers often have long lists of optional modifications that can be fitted and during the lifetime of a type product improvements are introduced. Generally, LAA-accepted optional items are listed on the TADS for the type. N/A N/A N/A The Standard Modification This is a modification that is very well defined and is applicable to a particular aircraft or engine type or types. Members may nominate new Standard Modifications using form LAA/MOD 9; however, LAA Engineering may choose to convert popular Repeat modifications into Standard Modifications. Technical Leaflet TL 3.06 LAA/MOD 1 Variable, see individual mods for details The Repeat Modification A modification that has already been approved on one aircraft as a Prototype modification. Note that a Repeat modification must identically replicate the original Prototype modification including fasteners and positions of parts and should generally be on the same aircraft type as the original. Technical Leaflet TL 3.07 and TL 3.17 LAA/MOD 11 * See below The Prototype ("normal") Modification This is a normal modification application made in the usual way and is applicable only to the aircraft for which the application is made. Technical Leaflet TL 3.01 LAA/MOD 2 and LAA/MOD3 * See below * All prototype modifications (including engine and propeller changes) attract a minimum fee of £100 which covers up to two hours' work; all repeat modifications (including engine and propeller changes) attract a minimum fee of £50 which covers up to one hour's work. Thereafter, work is charged at £55/hour in either case. See the relevant Technical Leaflet for the type of modification for further details. ​ To access the Technical Leaflets, MOD forms and Standard Modifications described above, click one of the buttons below: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Technical Leaflets on Modifications & Repairs LAA MOD Forms Standard Modifications

  • Permit Aircraft Electrics - Basic Course | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Permit Aircraft Electrics - Basic Course Price Member - £200, Non-Member - £220 Duration Arrival 09:00. Finish 17:00. < Back About the Course This course provides the theory and practical knowledge to enable the implementation of a basic electrical system in permit aircraft. Although the course necessarily includes a small amount of technical theory; it is only included at a level needed (essentially Ohms Law) to understand how wire sizes, fuses, circuit breakers and other components etc are selected. ​ The basic premise of the introductory course is that the owner/builder already has a circuit diagram to work from (few kit manufacturers provide electrical diagrams, so the course includes details of where such ‘standard’ diagrams may be found). They are not expected to do any design work, but they do need to source the materials and components and build a working, reliable and safe installation. The course explains how to interpret a ‘typical’ permit aircraft electrical systems diagram and for every element, explains how to size, select and source components and then how to practically install them. The course uses a PowerPoint presentation for the theory side, a demonstration electrical panel in the classroom so that attendees can see the various options and good practice for wiring and systems installation and also runs two practical sessions in the LAA workshop which includes practical soldering, wire stripping and connector crimping, cable marking options, use of heat shrink, radio antenna coax connector installation and the correct crimping and installation of typical D Sub connectors used for avionics systems. What this course will try to do is: Introduce and explain the components of a wiring system Help you understand a circuit diagram Give practical experience in wiring techniques Give the knowledge to select and source cables and components Explain failure modes and reliability issues Help you conduct basic fault finding Warn about the ‘gotcha’ areas and the things to look out for What the course will not do is: Turn you into a design engineer Enable you to design an aircraft EWIS Enable you to fault find on an undocumented aircraft installation Solve interference issues Delve into avionics Your Instructor Mark Castle-Smith Dates To be confirmed Times Arrival 09:00. Finish 17:00. Duration One day course Venue LAA HQ, Turweston Aerodrome, NN13 5YD Price Member - £200, Non-Member - £220 Booking Telephone LAA on 01280 846 786 to check availability and/or book or e-mail [email protected]

  • uAVionix AV30E approved as a back-up EFIS | Light Aircraft Assoc

    < Back uAVionix AV30E approved as a back-up EFIS 8 Jun 2023 We've recently added the uAvionix AV30E to our list of approved backup EFIS units for use in Permit aircraft. The EFIS units listed in TL3.20 may be used without further reference to LAA Engineering, although your LAA inspector will need to make a Permit Maintenance Release (PMR) entry in the airframe logbook quoting this Technical Leaflet reference. Next Previous

  • Light Aviation Magazine 2020 | Light Aircraft Assoc

    Light Aviation Magazine 2020 Click on the links below to open each issue of Light Aviation Magazine from 2020 January 2020 April 2020 July 2020 October 2020 February 2020 May 2020 August 2020 November 2020 March 2020 June 2020 September 2020 December 2020

  • An Introduction to Permit Aircraft Avionics | Light Aircraft Assoc

    An Introduction to Permit Aircraft Avionics Price Member - £200, Non-Member - £220 Duration Arrival 09:00. Finish 17:00. < Back About the Course This course is an introduction to permit aircraft avionics. The course starts with explaining the LAA rules and guidance regarding avionics fit in your aircraft, discusses how to plan and install your avionics including panel design, explains how modern avionics connect with each other and the various protocols (electronic languages) that they commonly use. The course takes you through selection of your avionics including EFIS, ELTs and PLBs, Autopilots, Antennas, Transponders, Radios and Audio Panels including some of the more common options available, including redundancy options where applicabl The course also includes practical demonstration and practice in wiring the most commonly used avionics connectors, the ubiquitous D Sub connector, and provides advice on minimising interference and best practice for shielding connections. The course finishes with an introduction to avionics considerations for Permit Aircraft planning to apply for permission to fly in IMC or at night. Your Instructor Mark Castle-Smith Dates To be confirmed Times Arrival 09:00. Finish 17:00. Duration One day course Venue LAA HQ, Turweston Aerodrome, NN13 5YD Price Member - £200, Non-Member - £220 Booking Telephone LAA on 01280 846 786 to check availability and/or book or e-mail.

  • Inspector Renewal | Light Aircraft Assoc

    < Back Inspector Renewal 19 Mar 2024 It's that time of year again! LAA Inspector Authorisations lapse at the end of this month. Renewing is simple, available both on and offline. In order to renew this year, Inspectors need to carry out two simple steps, which are as follows: Complete and sign the ' Inspector Declaration, ' which was emailed to all Inspectors on 4th March, and return to LAA Engineering, either as a scanned document or in the post. Pay the Inspector Renewal Fee , which is £40 and covers administration of an Inspector Authorisation throughout the year. (For Inspectors of Factory Built Gyroplanes, there is no longer an additional fee. All Inspectors pay £40). Inspectors can pay via the LAA shop, found here , or by giving us a call with their payment card details. Alternatively, Inspectors can pay by Bank Transfer. Inspectors' continuing support is crucial and we sincerely hope that all Inspectors will renew. Next Previous

  • Armstrong / Isaacs Bursary 2024 | Light Aircraft Assoc

    < Back Armstrong / Isaacs Bursary 2024 14 Sept 2023 Armstrong/Isaacs bursaries are funded from the Armstrong/Isaacs Fund, which is based on a major donation from David Armstrong, who was a founder member of the original ULAA in 1947, a lifelong member of the LAA’s predecessor the PFA and the latter’s chairman from 1960 to 1964. His legacy, co-named with that of aircraft designer and builder John Isaacs, has, since 1998 enabled many young prospective pilots to gain their PPL. More information can be found here . Next Previous

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